Tuesday, June 20, 2006


Ok, Sumaiya sent me this Matchmakin' test. I thought I'd share it here so here it is.

Khurram, your match is Drew Barrymore.

So click on the pic 'n' find out who your match is. *wink*

God bless all.....


At June 20, 2006, Blogger Mr. Khurram said...

KATE _ Let me guess, Mike Tyson? hahaha.

MISS ISRAEL _ Do check it soon 'n' share it here with all.

God bless all.....

At June 20, 2006, Blogger fairygirl701 said...

Mine says Matthew MacConaughey!! WOOT WOOT!!! Definetly a match I like!!

At June 20, 2006, Blogger Sam!! said...

It's Mel Gibson, but i really dnt beleive in all this(eeeahhh!! Mel Gibson...),wat say???

Hope u doing fine there.


At June 20, 2006, Blogger Mr. Khurram said...

MICHELLE _ You finally 've jumped into pic competition. LOL! i'm glad you did but put somethin' in profile too. Pic 'n' Pro both 're important.

FAIRY GIRL _ So you gonna change your hubby with Matthew MacConaughey? LOL!

Samrina _ I think you took the test right afte Fajr, what can I say now, it should be True. *wink*

God bless all of you.....

At June 20, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Knock Knock, whos there? its Wesley Snipes. lol

At June 21, 2006, Blogger Sam!! said...

Yeah i took it just after offering Fajar but plz... Mel Gibson.... Oh nooooo!!!
Ok i wont accept any tag anymore from urside, its risky plus dangerous haan:) :)


At June 21, 2006, Blogger Mr. Khurram said...

SHAZIA _ Great choice, Do you like him though? LOL!

SAMRINA _ Ok, I'm lettin' you chose, if not Mel Gibson then who 're you gonna chose? LOL!

OPINIONATED _ I'm sure you 're talkin' about James Spader, he is in Practice with the name (Alan Shore). i know many American women 've a Crush on him, he is a Fetish guy (like me), LOL!

God bless all......

At June 21, 2006, Blogger Sam!! said...

Thnx alot friend for ur kindness but still NO CHOICE from the list there, i wud rather prefer an ordinary, unknown person :)


At June 21, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My match was a giant canadian penis. It was also a wise puppy that had a toe...it was awesome!

At June 22, 2006, Blogger Mr. Khurram said...

ANONYMOUS _ May God bless you some wisdom, may God bless you.....

At June 23, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds interesting Porn Queen

At July 20, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey Gab my result was Dylan Mc Dermott. No I dont think so. do you? Tammy


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